Keynote Speaker 1
Keynote Speaker 1


Prof. Dr. Fauziah Ahmad, Universiti Fauziah Ahmad.pngSains Malaysia, Malaysia

Biography: Prof. Dr. Fauziah Ahmad is a Professor in Geotechnical engineering also serves as a Geotechnical Engineer and a Researcher at School of Civil Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Engineering Campus, Nibong Tebal, Penang. She obtained her Diploma from UTM, BSc (Hons) and PhD from University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. She has been teaching Geotechnical Engineering courses and other civil engineering courses for more than 28 years. Has been appointed as Program Chairman, Deputy Dean at School and Deputy Dean of Postgraduate Studies. Currently she leads a Task force under Postgraduate Deans Council where head of program for Roadmap of Postgraduate studies in Malaysia 2017-2025. She has been involved in the development of hill slope where she was appointed as Penang State Geotechnical Council and technical committee member in reviewing Penang development. Currently she is the President of MyIGS an International Geosynthetics Society for Malaysian Chapter and also a Vice President of MyGeopolymer Society of Malaysia. She is also actively involved in consultancy works on Geotechnical assessment and stability studies especially in the state of Penang and Perak. Actively involved in Asean Geotechnical Technical Committee (ATC10 – Urban Geoinformatic and ATC 1: Geodisaster in Climate Change) in collaboration with Japanese Geotechnical Society in establishing works using GIS Geotechnical Database research and Geodisaster in Climate Change. Her research interest is in the area of slope stability, landslide, ground improvement and Urban Geoinformatic (GIS Application). She has published her work in more than 200 papers in journals and proceedings locally and internationally. Through her research, she has produced innovation products and has been recognized nationally and internationally through competitions and exhibitions. Her achievements gained recognition as Women Inventor, World Scientific Award at the World Innovation Achievement Award, European Women Inventor and Innovator Network International (EUWIIN) in Sweden and in Seoul since 2008 -2015. Among other awards she has acquired are the Grand Prize, KIWIE Prize, and Special Award and cumulative of gold, silver and Bronze medallist for more than 25 awards. With granted of two patents, one trademark and copyright for the Inventions.

Speech Title:Expanded Polystyrene-Ferrocement Chaterization of 8-Shaped Geomat for Soil Stabilization

Abstract: In this study, preventive measures for landslide activity are being addressed and 8-shaped geomat is proposed to curb this problem. The mechanical properties such as resistance to compression, flexural and pull out resistance of 8-shaped expanded polystyrene (EPS)-ferrocement are to be determined. End result is compared to previous study made of different materials. 8-shaped geomat is developed by using hand plaster method. Two types of mixture proportion are produced namely as EPB10 and EPB30 signifying that the mortar’s sand mix proportions are partially replaced with 10% and 30% of expanded polystyrene beads respectively. Compression and flexural is tested with Universal Testing Machine (UTM). Pull out test is performed in pull out box with sand as the backfill material. Test results show that both EPB10 and EPB30 have similar test results. Comparing to 8-shaped geomat made of fiberglass, used tires and ferrocement, expanded polystyrene based ferrocement has similar compressive strength, lower flexural force and lower pull out force. This material can be use for slope stabilisation and erosion control.